Remind Me

by Yusyuriv


This plugin lets you set simple reminders at specific times.

Please note that the reminders will not work if you close Flow Launcher.


To use this plugin, type its action keyword (remind by default) followed by the command (either add, or list), followed by command arguments.


To add a reminder, type add followed by the time and the message in the following format:

add <time> to <message>

Time can be either relative:

in 5 minutes
in 1 hour
in 2 days

or absolute:

7 pm
2025-02-13 15:00

Examples of valid commands:

remind add in 5 minutes to begin cooking the chicken
remind add in 1 hour to go to the gym
remind add 2025-01-20 to go buy some milk


To list all your reminders, type list. This will display a list of all your reminders, with the time and the message. You can select a reminder to delete it.


The plugin has a few settings that you can change:

Show notifications when adding or deleting reminders

When this setting is enabled, the plugin will show a notification every time you add or delete a reminder, just so you’re sure it worked.

How to show reminders

You can choose between two different ways to show your reminders:

  • Standard Windows notification
    This could be somewhat easy to miss and might also not be available on all Windows versions.

  • Always-on-top window
    A window that always appears on top of everything else you do, forcing you to pay attention to it.

Also accept new reminders in short form

When this setting is enabled, the plugin will also accept new reminders in the short form, which looks like this:

remind <time with message>

No command is required, and the time can be mixed with the message. The time must always be in this format: <digits><unit>, i.e. 1h, 5m, 2d, etc.

Examples of valid commands:

# In 5 minutes:
remind 5m do stuff
remind do stuff 5m

# In 5 hours and 5 minutes:
remind 5h 5m do stuff

# In 5 hours, 5 minutes, and 15 seconds:
remind 5h do stuff 5m 15s

# In 1 week minus 12 hours:
remind 1w -12h do stuff

# In 1 week plus 5 minutes minus 12 hours:
remind 1w do stuff -12h 5m

As you can see, in the short form, you can specify the time and the message in any order.