Extend Flow Launcher's functionality

Search emotes from 7TV

Manage your PATH environment variable

Communication with Amazing Marvin over API

an anilist plugin for Flow-Launcher

Quickly open the antd component

Plugin for downloading videos from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many other websites.

Snapshot opened apps with help of plugin for Flow-Launcher for future open

Allows you to keep your applications up using winget

Search Astro Docs

Text to speech Plugin

Easily change your playback device

Open the AWS Console for services in your web browser

A plugin to display prayer times.

Convert values from one base to another (for example decimal to hexadecimal, etc.)

Encode or decode a string using Base64 encoding

Search emotes via BetterTTV

Get the current value of cryptocurrency coin

Quick access to your Bitwarden vault via Flow Launcher.

A BoardgameGeek explorer for Flow

Search your browser bookmarks

Search your Web Browser history

Opens groups of tabs

Provide mathematical calculations.(Try 5*3-2 in Flow Launcher)

Like cd in terminal, but for Flow Launcher

Plugin to use OpenAI's ChatGPT in Flow Launcher

Control Cider and it's playback with Flow Launcher

A Plugin that uses Cider 2 API to control Cider2

Plugin to check internet access and get the speed of download and upload

a Clipboard History Plugin for FlowLauncher

Easily manage your clipboard history and Windows Clipboard History with support for text, images, and files

A clipboard plugin for Flow.Launcher, support pictures!

Provides HEX and RGB color preview.

Search efficiently

Search and explore Rust crates directly from Flow Launcher
Currency converter using the euro and rates at

A better currency converter

Date Calculator using Flow's embedded python

Difference between two dates (documentation on website)

Plugin for Get the day from the date

Plugin to use DeepL in FlowLauncher

Clean files and folders on the desktop

Quick access to documentations for various programming languages, frameworks and tools.

Launch DevToys tools

English dictionary, word correction and synonym.
Translate between any languages supported by textblob.

When opening or saving files, quickly jump to the directory you already opened in File Explorer. Inspired by Listary Quick Switch.

Generate discord timestamps

A plugin for Flow Launcher to search files directly within Dropbox.

Search on thousands of sites directly, with DuckDuckGo bangs

ssh with Flow-Launcher

Open Edge Workspaces

Data for all Chemical Elements

Flow plugin to spawn a new email in the system default client

Find emoji easily by typing keywords.

Search and copy the right Emoji for any occasion.

Launch your Epic Game Store games

Find and manage files and folders via Windows Search or Everything

Advanced algebric and symbolic Calculator

Generates a variety of fake data using the Bogus library

Search for emoji and add to your clipboard automatically
Flow Launcher plugin to define favorite apps, files, folders and URLs.

Arbitrary-precision unit-aware calculator.

Launch FileZilla sessions

A plugin that lets you open firefox bookmarks from their keyword

A plugin that only sends a notification when the plugin gets loaded after a restart or on first start.

urlencode or urldecode a string

Access bookmarks with Flow Launcher/Wox

A plugin for creating and running custom discord rich presences from flow launcher

Use Browser Tamer picker with Flow Launcher

Set the volume of a specific application


Lookup words' definition and pronunciation with playable audio using Free Dictionary

Search and launch games from multiple platforms like Steam, Epic Games etc.
General weights and measures converter

Provide easy access to repositories. Allows quickly cloning repository and open in vscode/file explorer.

Search Github repositories and users, browse issues and PRs

View your github notifications

Quickly access your personal repositories and stars.

Search and copy the right Gitmoji.

Search and copy the right gitmoji 😜 Based on the original gitmoji plugin by galedrim

Quickly launch your Godot projects from flow launcher

Plugin for searching Google and navigating directly to the search results.

Simple Plugin to use Google Translate in FlowLauncher

a Guid Converter for FlowLauncher

Search, and interact with Home Assistant using Wox or Flow Launcher.

Flow Launcher plugin for viewing the front page of Hacker News

Launch HeidiSQL Sessions.

TypeScript plugin example using Deno

TypeScript/JavaScript plugin example using Node.js

Python Hello World example plugin

Look up game info from

Searches for the provided Name and returns the Playtime from HowLongToBeat

A plugin to search through http response status codes

Lets you search the Hypixel skyblock wiki

Shows your internal and external IP address

Retrieve current public IP details/lookup or by providing an IP address. Optionally, include an API key for to take advantage of up to 1000 free requests per day.

Get ip and mac address of current machine

Checks if the given arguments are prime numbers

Search projects in JetBrains IDEs

A Kaomoji extension for Flow-Launcher

Hook up Flow to KeePass 2

Calculates the combinations for a sudoku killer cage

Launch Kitty Sessions.

a translation plugin for Flow-Launcher

Quickly translate text from one language to another.

Allows you to open URLs using keywords set in the settings

Generates Lorem Ipsum and copies it to your clipboard.

highlights your minecraft command with ansi encoding to fancify them in your discord messages

A plugin to control media playback

Launch your Minecraft instances using MultiMC, PolyMC, and PrismLauncher

Generate mocking case and memes (⬭ω⬭)

Search MyAnimeList within Flow Launcher

A plugin to tell you your internal and public IP excluding any coming from VM programs and the like


Nightlight Controls

A Plugin For Search, Create, Edit and Delete Notion Pages.

Notion Search API

Convert numbers between dec/oct/hex/bin

Search all Obsidian files

Search Obsidian notes

Plugin to use Ollama for local LLMs in Flow Launcher

Manage and generate time-based one-time passwords

Search your OneNote notes

Quickly switch to an open window.

Get element properties by element symbol

Search and launch your Playnite library.

Search and cast your Plex Media Server Library

Provides plugin action keyword suggestions

Create simple command shortcuts

Management of installing, uninstalling or updating Flow Launcher plugins

Clear clipboard quickly to prevent password leakage

Search for Pokemon

Launches PowerToys tools

Kill running processes from Flow

Search programs in Flow.Launcher

Launch Putty Sessions

A python repl implimentation in flow

Qr Code Generator or Parser Qr Code file Plugin

Plugin to generate QR code

A plugin for uninstalling programs

Use QuickLook to preview files

RDP plugin for Flow Launcher

A plugin that allows users to quickly open recent projects with ease.

Search and browse Reddit

Navigate the registry and jump to specific keys in Registry Editor.

A plugin for setting reminders

Remove backgrounds from images

Plugin to remove the Paywall from a specific URL in Flow Launcher

Removes USB drives

this plugin will help you quickly work with projects in rider without toolbox installed

Rolls the given dices and evaluates the expression

a rtfm lookup plugin

Search your ryot tracker

Control the brightness of your monitors within flow

Search MDN Web Docs

Search npm packages

Search Emoji in the Unicode character set

Identify Unicode properties of any text

Search the entire Unicode character set


Find pages within a project in Scrapbox.

Run ShareX capture, OCR, ...

Provide executing commands from Flow Launcher

Search anime/manga on Shikimori with Flow (Launcher)

Open user defined shortcut quickly from Flow Launcher

Generate smarter timestamps, look up dates, and copy them to your clipboard.

Simple plugin to save key/value snippets and copy to clipboard

Manage name/value snippets and copy to clipboard

Search your Sonarr server library

Spotify Premium for Flow Launcher

A Flow Launcher plugin to search the Stardew Valley Wiki

Useful statistics plugin

Switch your steam account using TcNo Account Switcher

Search and launch your Steam Game library

A multi-purpose plugin that supports UUID/GUID/random string generation, base64/URL encoding and decoding

Provide System related commands. e.g. shutdown,lock, setting etc.

Search tailwindcss Docs

Temp Cleaner can help you delete all files in temporary folder (just run it)

Searches Tenor for GIFs

Search Tenor for amazing GIFs!

Plugin to search the Terraria wiki with

Set timers and alarms.
Show system time and could copy that

Converts a time from one timezone to another

a plugin that use tinyurl api, it's very basic but powerful

A plugin to add tasks to todoist.

A simple yet effective todo app.

A time tracking plugin for Flow Launcher using Toggl Track

TOTP Generator (2FA keys)

Node.js Translation plugin with Google Translate

A translation plugin by Baidu Translate

Search and stream

Two Factor Authenticator HTOP Code Generate Plugin

Find Unicode characters by name.

Convert between physical units

Unity3D project list/launcher

Launch Unity Projects

Open Unity projects from Flow Launcher
Search galgame on

Get the definition of any word using Urban Dictionary

Open the typed URL from Flow Launcher

Plugin to shorten URLs

Generate uuid4 and add to your clipboard.

a thin wrapper over uv's tooling management

Instant access to Vim commands and shortcuts via an interactive cheat sheet.

Open your recent solutions, projects and files in Visual Studio

Plugin for control your Sound Volume

Search and open the previously used VS Code workspaces

Change wallpaper using Pexels API

Change your Wallpaper Engine Profile

A plugin for quickly searching for wallpapers

Get weather information for a location

Provide the web search ability

Start a URL in a webapp mode

Calculates how many tries are needed to expect an event (by default with ≥ 50 % probability).

Trigger Flow Launcher by Win Key.

Start and stop Windows services.

Alt-Tab alternative enabling searching through your windows.

Toggle Window's Dark & Light modes

Search settings inside Control Panel and Settings App

Control Windows start-up programs.

Launch Windows Terminal with predefined configurations

Windows Terminal profiles launcher

Launch WinSCP Sessions

Plugin to control your windows

Connect to VPN via WireGuard VPN interfaces

An implimentation of the popular nytimes game called wordle for flow launcher

Wordnik wrapper using python. Gives you the definition of words similiar to duckduckgo.

WordReference translations (es, en, fr, it)

Save notes directly into Workflowy

Create and manage workspaces

A youtube downloader

Searches for Yu-Gi-Oh! cards on